Sunday, July 25, 2010

What does this say?


  1. Two things come to mind for me...the drug companies want exhorbitantly higher prices from consumers and this is another quick route to depopulation.

    What's it say to you John?

    PS: Where did this guy film this? I hear really loud crickets in the background. Who is he?

  2. Companies don't volitionally cut back on profitable production. I believe they produced the drugs in question, and that (if he's right) the supplies have been diverted.

    If we think in a sinister direction, maybe FEMA ordered up a giant requisition of these drugs.

    But if we're less paranoid, it could be that the earthquake in Haiti caused a big diversion of "front line / emergency" drugs. And I think that's a perfectly good conjecture, too. The shortage could be innocent and passing.

    I hadn't noticed the crickets until you mentioned them, but Warren lives on Long Island. He's a former VP of a Wall Street I.T. (tech) firm, and now he makes videos about American corruption and unraveling.

  3. I thought the crickets were coming from outside my house at first until I turned the sound down.:)

    It sounds to me that Mr Pollock is taking the more paranoid route. As he said it's inconceivable to believe that the many companies that manufacture these same drugs have all run short at the same time. He said notes have gone out to use alternate protocols. (watering down the small supplies?) He also said "it means that perhaps there is something on the horizon we need to keep our eyes exposed to"

    I'd like to know what he means by that last line.

  4. He's got commenters on YouTube corroborating what he's saying. Here are samples:

    "I work in a Sacramento region Fire Dept, we have been operating at near crisis levels in availability of certain common emergency drugs for a couple of weeks now....We have been told through our chain of command to make due."

    "Here in the UK basic generic drugs such as Flucloxacillin suspension are in such short supply, the NHS is having to pay outrageous sums of money for such a basic drug."

    "Get ready for Obama care. Obamacare = rationing of care."

  5. Figures... it all comes back to "Obamacare." left right red blue bizness as usual feh.

    It probably says that for *some reason* centers of capital have acquired an inordinate supply.

    What's in YOUR wallet?

  6. Good Morning America today is scaring people about an outbreak of Dengue Fever in Florida.

  7. Don't worry John. I'm sure there's a vaccine for that ;)

  8. Good Example John

    Ha! If you keep hanging around here too long displaying these plentiful examples of Project Global 2000 you may end up with large amounts of tin foil on your person and start getting rejected by colleagues, friends and family.

    The usual felonious escapades of the corporate committee, bankers and congress are mere chaff to the crop of death that this published agenda intends to inflict.

    I vote with JG on the fact that this is an example of death panel politics. It is a very small piece of a larger killing field that will include obese, diabetes, smokers and drinkers and mostly infirmed and poor.

    I believe there are several compounds being added to spirits, tobacco, vaccines, medications and to certain food and soft drinks to cull the herd.

    Among the killers I include McMurder w/fries, Coca-Cola, Pepsico, many welfare food designates, Beatrice, Kelloggs, Post, Kraft, Seagrams, Phillip Morris, the BPA plastic mfg's and cookware coatings. Really targets the poor, uneducated and limited means populations.

    For years there have been stories of higher than usual disease by regions. Beta Testing? I think so.
    Now they will go after the bible belt and midwest first. Like the chemtrails thay have been targeted in the lower income, farming and rural areas and larder black, hispanic populated cities. That's what I have found in my research.

    Not sustainable? No not wanted!


    GLOBAL 2000

  9. Jeff Rense has the video posted on his site

    By the way, the interesting Jordan Maxwell is suppose to be on tonight.

  10. What does it say ? It says turd world here we come. In Mexico the hospital has little to no drugs in stock. If you need for example a three hundred dollar dose of intravenous antibiotic you must go out and search the pharmacies and purchase it. In Mexico much of what little is stocked at the hospital is pilfered for doc's private practice or nursies kids. This shortage is just the start. Enron shorted the electricity. when foodstuffs are withheld massive awakening will ensue. When the food-stamps quit coming the towns will burn. I have been trying to purchase medical supplies such as IV catheters and ringers but nobody wants to sell them. Suture,betadine,lidocaine etc are available over the counter in Mex but not here. Stock up now for future independence. Korn out.

  11. I kinda agree on adulterated cigarettes. I get Criss-Cross brand tobacco for 20 bucks a pound and roll with a belt roller. If you like filter toss in a little ball of cotton. I aint dishin out 5 bucks for 20 cigs. I have a sports car habit to maintain.

  12. Generally, third world over the counter pharmacies stay stocked in countries that have deteriorating transportation, banking and services. Pharmaceuticals like those cost little to mass produce so their shortage is puzzling. My paranoid fantasy would be that a shortage of emergency pharmaceuticals could be "bankers' new austerities" to bring us to their bidding faster. Already, there are no cops fighting crime in Oakland or troops to secure the borders but over a hundred US overseas military bases operating several simultaneous wars able to carry out endless fighting at greater expense all the time.
    Well, a lack of lidocaine in the ER could make people beg for mercy from the state as well as any other method.


    I found this report on the first page I hit.. seeing as a LOT of your american drugs are really coming from India and china. hmm?
    did you know you have ONE and one only maker of Paracetamol left in usa? you call it acetamimophen I believe, tylenol etc.

    the epinephrine is serious for bee stings and anaphylaxis issues.

  14. how DID you guess? jersey:-)

  15. survey recently of the most adulterated tobacco products had USA and asia leading the list.. they banned Aus growing it, so we import from NZ
    there IS GM tobacco being used in usa.
