Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why WE Must Take Control Of Our Border

The following link is mega-graphic and not for the faint of heart or those prone to nightmares. Those responsible for this are crossing into the U.S. mostly unchecked. I repeat, dont go here unless you can handle the brutal reality of drug consumption.


  1. When we took My wife to Juarez in 2007 for her immigration hearing we stopped in Camargo for the night. It was a beautiful city in the mountains,the kind of place I would have wanted to retire to. That was then.

  2. Juarez was nice in 67 when I was there last. We then went on to Mexico City and it was fabulous.
    It must look like bangladesh now.

  3. the money and effort wasted in the afghan excuse would have provided a wall and people to man it and money left over. priorities are all to F!
    No wonder Arizona and Texas are yelling.

  4. Opium and Cocaine, Tweedle Dee and Dum. Two Crime drama's for America run by the network adminsitrators. "Lawlessness and Disorder"


    The reality is most of America are walking around decapitated.

  5. On Criminal Minds the supervisor said "Libertarians are a domestic terror group"

  6. Korn, oh those "subtle" brainwashing techniques. Any person or group calling for the restoration of the Bill of Rights is considered a homegrown terrorist. WHat??!@!

    How do we control the border? Arizona's bill, if not abused, might work but does anyone really believe it won't be by overzealous authoritarians ? Papers please!

    For the record, I want ALL illegal immigrants sent packing. They should stay home and protest in the streets of their own country to take it back and not here on ours. But we know nothing will seriously be done. It's all part of the big plan to lower wages, crowd our hospitals, bring more crime to our streets and incite racial violence.

  7. A perfect plan to kill the republic. Obvious for coto, but inconcievable for the betabambi's.

  8. Hey good lookin, hows the rain on the rhubarb ?

  9. when i first moved to the baltimore- washington dc corridor 38 years ago, our family would often venture forth into either metropolis. Coming from near rural Ohio, I was struck by how many black people were here. Every where you looked out the car window, construction, landscaping, ditch digging, cab driving...all brothers. And you can bet most of them had wives that they lived with....not baby maommas they sent a check to , maybe.

    Now... almost all those jobs are done by hispanics.

    Many reasons why, some nefarious some not.

    But, if you do not like it, the solution is not a second great wall of china. Stiffen the law. Any company found employing someone here illegally gets shut down, fined one million per worker and all assets confiscated, given to sister citys in Mexico to create jobs there.

    It isn't rocket motherfucking science.

  10. Drug traffickers dont dig ditches,although they have been known to dig tunnels. But good ideas for the domestic labor scene.

  11. When I was still in Florida, they discontinued the car inspection law in the eighties. It was so obvious then it was for the illegal migrant workers who were forced to buy heaps and load entire villages in them.

    So what they were dangerous, unsafe and illegal. The big Agri's wanted it, the state wanted it, so the politicians and sherrif's wanted it. And we wanted it. Cheaper food and services.

    Then came Billy Longzipper and WTO. Hooray we can buy shit real cheap. Cheaper than we did from Japan and Taiwan. We are all culprits and enablers in their scam.

    I never bought a foreign car, even one built here. I was always buying American until it was impossible to do so. THEY WON.

    You don't have to waste your time worrying about immigration as the nearing financial collapse and martial law will send them scurrying back down soon enough.

    Another masterful triad of divide and conquer using the self inflicted problem-reaction-solution.

    Camus, I have to send technicians to Baltimore frequently. We only send males. Like Detroit, Chicago and too many others to name, the welfare state has created the crime syndicate that the committee depends upon to keep it's para-military budget growing every year.

    As a Floridian and Texan for most of my life I found the majority of Mexican, Gaudamalan and other CA or SA people most charming and honest.
    I had some problems with the Puerto Ricans though I couldn't blame them as they were under the US IMC empirical rule.

    Alex Jones has been really focusing on this stage for the next phase of the NAU and global takeover.
    LaRASA, the SPLC and MSM are calling you a racist if you have blue eyes. Why people can't smell the coffee I will never know. Especially when the coffee is burning as it is now.

  12. Right now the torrential rains are drowning the rhubarb !

  13. You would look good soaking wet !
