Thursday, May 6, 2010


It is doubtful that this will be of any interest to anyone, but hell, we mustn't let things go to waste, so it's here just the same -
This little book was put together for the elder brother of the figure central to its contents.  The elder was fighting a losing battle against cancer, for which he had opted for the ‘medical’ route.  The account was to remind him of where he had been during the shared portion of their family-life together, and perhaps to prompt him to take up his pen, which he could wield much more ably and entertainingly than the present author.  Therefore, in the absence of response, this necessarily can be only a one-sided view of their world.


Unfortunately the attempt has now proved too late, the brother having just lately gone on to - we trust - better things, leaving the others to make their own mistakes instead of learning from his.  However, any possible lessons available from the account need not go to waste and are here for the benefit of any who care to accept them.   



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