Monday, May 31, 2010

Murder On The High Seas

Why am I not surprised ?


  1. I'm not surprised either. Are any of us here? Murderous, lying zionists are worse than the Hitler that they hide behind to perpetrate their horrendous crimes.

  2. I posted this two days ago under SPOTLIGHT ON ISRAEL and warned of Project MINOAS.

    This flotilla was a set up to be there at that time. Classic event to get further on to the WWIII scenario happening now.

  3. Why did Constantinople get the works? its nobodys bizness but the Turks.

  4. Shall we speak of pirates and who should walk the plank? Let's start with Rahm, that dual citizen(but we know where his loyalties lie) who was in Israel celebrating as his zionist comrades slaughtered innocents hellbent on one thing.... bringing medical care and supplies to the Palestinians.

    No more tax dollars to Israel's zionazis .. ENOUGH

  5. The FF that ignites the powderkeg???

  6. Now whos gonna git renditioned? See You at the camp,and wear that little black dress.

  7. Bingo JG. FDR started packing the courts with them and it's just continued since then.

    Israel has more support for the MOSSAD and Black Aman in the US than they do in Israel. We are the dog and Israel is the tail wagging us into oblivion.

  8. Spurred by their large muslim population certainly. Today palestine, tomorrow Lebanon and then onto Iran. It will make the Crusades look like boyscout hiking.

    We will be too busy fighting in the Pacific, on the Mexican border and with Russia to secure our oil in the corridor to do anything about it. I'm sure this will all hit the fan when Newt Gingrich gets elected in a few years. How's vice president Lindsey Graham sound?

  9. I'm glad you added that last bit, JG. Most of us lose, if we ever had it, our sense of proportion of how we measure up in the True State of Things.


    Alternatively, perhaps if we roof over for them those walls they have so thoughtfully erected to provide themselves such well-merited exclusivity. Then - wait for it, wait for it - fill it in. With concrete.

  10. This ("... the master race...") is a spurious quote at best. As near as I can tell so far, it came from "Begin and the Beasts" (New Statesman, June 25, 1982) by Amnon Kapeliouk. I seriously doubt that Begin (himself a "reformed" terrorist) ever said this exactly... or at all.

    The naked and and unfolding truth of Israeli aggression and murder on the high seas carries enough of its own weight without poison-pill propaganda. "Radical Zionism" is just a mask worn by another gaggle of fat ghouls who wish to cloak their own greed in some kind of bullshit "idealism."

    Like the dozens of tin horn dictatorships the US has propped up all over the world to defend "American interests" (corporate profits), this little Fort Apache-style outpost on the edge of the great oil lake is coming around to bite US on the ass. It has long outlived its usefulness... and the zio-fats know it.

    Back in the pre-internet days, information was far too slow to tell the puppets from the actors. The US fats no longer need the puppet outpost when it is far easier and more profitable to dupe the stupids right here at home and grab the oil with the corpo-US "military" ability to "project power" around the planet.

    Fly in the fat: the weapons industry still needs staging areas and corridors... like Pakistan and Turkey... and their fats want a slice of the cake- or no deal. The weapons industry looks like the monkey with fist caught in the jar... too greedy to let go of all of the nuts. The only way to bypass corridors and staging areas is... you guessed it: nuclear ballistic missiles.

    The fat US ghouls have no problem with global nuclear war... it would solve the "population reduction problem" and give their private fiefdoms more control as (the pretense of) messy proletariat influence evaporates. They have their bunkers... they have their mercs.

    Let the games "Begin."
