Saturday, March 27, 2010

Behold a dead whistleblower

Be wary who's the enemy and who is the patriot.

Bill Cooper predicted the false flag 911, not Alex Jones as he says so often. Why was Cooper killed so soon after 911? When Coop said it was the Jesuits/Freemason/CIA who are the new Knights Templars for the Rothschild/Bilberberg COMMITTEE, he died.

Jones lives on in comfort and security. Jones got his intel from Bill Cooper. Jones is forming the posse for Martial Law. Now he's touting Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck who has also been assigned to get the right, patriot fever up and make ready for the minutemen/teabaggers and fringe false flag that will seal the deal for six more years of one world takeover and it won't take that long. We know he and Pat Buchannan one of the biggest NWO shills to come down the pike, are cozy.

Who wanted Bill Cooper dead? As Bill said himself, when you tell the truth, everyone wants you dead. Don't let Jones make you desperate and stupid. There is another big one flying under the sheeple radar soon and Oklahoma City and 911 will pale in comparison. This time Americans will be put down by so called Americans because they let these media traitors push the panic button.

Read the Quiet War US NAVY #74-1120

You may want to consider that 911 is the nucleus or the seed for the major Ruby Ridge a comin'. You have to remember that as was Waco
the Federales shot Vicki Weaver down like a dog in cold blood as they will children in Waco and OK City.

When they threatened everyone from airing the Franklin scandal and other documentary's, it is quite interesting on why recently ex-navy seal , black-operative, politician and drug/steroid wrestling federation icon is able to now promote shows on certain subjects.

Let's call Tru TV and Venturas team and tell them to do a show on Ruby Ridge, Waco or the Franklin child pornography ring with Bush and all his political cronies. Or how about the Baxter flu vaccine story from last year?

NOT FRIGGIN LIKELY! He himself said that the network sanctions it. You can continue to think differently but this is all part of the plan for the coming crisis and the problem is government takeover, the reaction is being generated by these cons as we speak and the event will deliver them another perfect solution. Kiss your ass and freedom good-bye.


  1. I've not been listening to AJ much since he started praising Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage for "waking up" to tyranny. Excuse me Alex, but where the hell were they when Bush was in power? It makes me feel icky to hear it because I despise those men. Now I turn it off as quickly as I turn off CNN & MSNBC when I check in with them.

    It's not hard to see that he could be in the business of stirring up the right wingnuts if he continues on the way he's going. I will continue to listen just to keep up with where he's going because now I'm very curious. I've always had that tinge of doubt about him which I actually discussed with Mr M last year, but I also credit him with waking me up. The stuff you guys have known about for years I learned of on his show about 5 years ago. So if he's working for "them" he's done them quite the disservice where I am concerned and I'm sure there are many others. Maybe they did knock off Bill Cooper to raise Jones' star. I'm witholding final judgement until further review which as stated above may come sooner rather than later. I'd like Mr M to put in his 2 cents here too.

    As far as Bill Cooper, I've heard of him and that he predicted 9/11 but never really researched what he did for a living before his radio show or how he came to be a prophet himself. I never read his book "Behold a Pale Horse" but from the blurbs about it I've read, it seems to be more in the David Icke vein that aliens live amongst us. I do believe that but to what extent are they involved in governments? I just don't know. There is apparently tons of crazy stuff in that book which of course makes me want to read it all the more. What's your take on that Patrick?

    I just flipped to youtube to see if I could find more videos of him and indeed there are. That is my homework assignment for tonight. However, I have one quick question... where did Cooper get his "intel" from? Apparently Alex got his from Bill.

    Ohhh I just found some reading material in his own words here:

  2. You're right JG. We have to listen to all parties. Shills and the WB's. It's all part of doing the homework and we are best to discuss all things here.

    Bill Cooper was military and I think he was led into the UFO's just like I was years ago. I went through that phase very much believing the area 51 coverup and the conspiracy regarding Val Thor and the Eisenhauer admin. But now I think the Betty and Barney Hill affair is as real as the Flintstones and rack of baby back brontosaurus ribs.

    But finally just like AJ and other issues, I just came to believe it was a deflection designed only to take us off the real conspiracies. I think Cooper went that way as well and in the end saw it a just a committee con. He was absolutely correct during his last years.

    It's common practice to set you up as tax evader. OOOOOOH!, how dangerous, especially considering half Obama's cabinet are tax evaders and in reality we all should be tax evaders

    Keep in mind that like Fritz Springmeier, David Koresh, Phil Schneider, John Todd, Jeanne Palfrey, Larry McDonald and many others, if they cannot discredit you, set you up, or marginalize you sufficiently, then they kill you. Simple and neat!

    I've seen the train variety of whack job done. And just like MEN IN BLACK his memory is shot to hell. Do you think they just used that little thing-a-ma-jig on him and left him on the railroad tracks?

    Bill Cooper was no angel or magician, but he was right and they shot him dead for it.

  3. Patrick, back in 1975 did they have the technology or craft that could travel a distance of about five miles in aprox three seconds?

    That's 7,200 mph? Or is it 9,000 mph?

    Back in 75' while we were camping down along the left hand side of Pine Creek in the Pa. Grand Canyon, and about two in the morning several of us were looking up above the top of this ridge on the right of the photo, and noticed this object in the sky.

    Whatever it was traveled vertically, horizontally left then right, traveling a distance of about five miles in oh, two to three seconds, and able to stop on a dime. Amazing!

  4. I hear what you're saying M and I agree for the most part. In fact, I thought the same. That maybe him claiming to be the first to predict 9/11 was just him being a hot dog. I also still stand by the fact that I've learned so much from his show these past few years and I'm quite grateful for that.

    However, having said that, his current penchant of praising the right wingnuts has been reaching a crescendo lately. He started with Michael Savage and moved on with Rush who he always seemed to admire even though he acted as though he didn't like him supporting Bush. Alex saying he's happy that Limbaugh and Savage are waking up to tyranny is one thing BUT he needs to admit they are only talking martial law now and false flags because a dem is in office. That's their whole schtick is it not?. Why isn't Alex admitting this simple fact that anyone with a brain can see and calling them out on it? Perhaps I've missed him saying this ?

    It's been seeming to me lately that he's turning back into the republican he started out as and that he's pandering more now to the right whereas before he was careful to walk the left/right paradigm line. Patrick posted this article just as I was feeling very uneasy about this.

    Like I said, I'm not totally convince one way or another yet because there is no positive proof but I see a trend in his show now that disturbs me.

    Btw, from the small bit I read about Cooper made him sound a bit unstable and I'm not quite sure he wasn't being used in some way himself. We know the PTB tend to do away with loose canons who work for them as well. Patrick, did he disavow the whole alien thing later on? After I read that link I posted yesterday I was convinced he was deep into that theory after having inside knowledge andhaving done extensive research on it. I didn't get as far into my research as I wanted since I had a screaming headache and went to be early last night.

    See,,, once down that rabbit hole it gets curiouser and curiouser and harder and harder to know what is real and what isn't. How in the hell do you believe in anyone or anything you read about anymore? I myself find it impossible.

  5. Several comments:

    First, M has exhibited his two cents. What a bargain. Again I'd like to mention that along with his dead-on toons, we are sorely missing his great commentary and I wished he would post this gold along with his masterful artistic command.

    Whether AJ is connected with the alter faction and administrating a movement for a massive PATRIOTIC coup d'etat or a well meaning reporter is arguable.
    I tend to be stuck in my mathematical triad formulas.

    1. The Committee braintrust if far more clever and gifted in the war waged on our psyche's
    2. If AJ was really focused on the truth, Cooper and his murder by the WO Fascist Forces (MJTF) would be in his daily rhetoric.
    3. Every single whistleblower ever caught in the mending fence program has gone through the phases of (a.)background/surveillance for the dirt to discredit, (b.) set up or false accusation (c.) intimidation, gangstalking and politcal or social attack (d.) direct threat to person or family (e.) death

    Where has Jones' attacks come from? All the others have documented evidence or public confirmation.

    I have not stopped following AJ for information but he misses divulging a lot of information. Bruce Ivins, Roland, Casolaro, Cooper, Springmier and others have been made crazy by these government attack schemes.

    Trumped up charges, false witnessing, payoffs, illegal judicial and executive harrassments, specific psychological warfare that may include chemical or EM type assaults combined to destablelize an individuals ability to remain rational.

    The UFO information cannot be disputed. It is either real or government orchestrated. We cannot deny that it does not exisit at all? Only a fool would say strange craft or events don't suggest that someone is working this triad.
    Cooper saw it as real or later, planned.

    I think his new found deep throat was exposing the goverment angle and the 911 connection. He had an audience already in the 90's that Jones could only have hoped for a young upstart in this field.

    I only state that whenever you have too much information for the committee you will be silenced. They can put an end to Jones and Ventura easily and in a dozen ways. Therefore I will continue to act as my 2012 article states.

    The coming event will be a master FF. I am going to remind everyone who sees this blog to know what I think will happen.


    (It would not surprise me if it was the killing of women, children and largely Jews as that would work the triad in their favor for global UN objectives to kill indisciminately to diffuse IRAN and any other threat from the M. East)

    IT WILL BE A HOUSE TO HOUSE EVENT (following the 2010 Census)

    THERE ARE UN FORCES HERE ALREADY IN NUMBERS AND 200,000 OR MORE WILL ARRIVE SHORTLY THEREAFTER (Russian and Chinese - as while the masses have been sleeping your tax money and NAFTA chinese payoffs have funded the biggest military buildup since Rome)

    FEMA CAMPS (120) AND D.U.M.B.S (140) are for EXTERMINATION and not just detention.
    (The military has made a million dead Iraqi, men , women and children disappear. The Russians and Chinese have tripled those numbers. Do you think they cant do that here?)




  6. Munich, I agree
    I had mine too in Florida. As a kid I had telescopes and loved Astronomy. I saw some strange phenomenon. Darting and eratic!

    Nazi SS-Bell. Hutchunson Effect Science, EM, Scalar, anti-graviton, Magnetic and nano-contruction and lightweight substances, Tesla energy concepts. Wow!
    To assume flying craft have not been in exisitance for years is pretty much dillusional now.

    The question is why they want to make us think aliens brought it to us versus their weaponization of these technologies? Or why they are hiding these Grays, Repto or Aryans? The majick is in the disinfo and deflection.

    Why rob the bank when you can get the towns people to posse at the bank while you rob their homes? The coming World Order is the priority, right? Coopers last

  7. Read this last night at CD

    Find it interesting they didn't delete the post by readytotransform March 27th, 2010 11:24 am

  8. boomerangcomesbackMarch 28, 2010 at 1:30 PM

    Didn't you guys get the Memo?

    The one from Common Knowledge of the People (CKOP)?

    It is now "known" and "understood" among the generales (plain people, i.e. PP) that should another FF "go off"...ALL treasonous and compromised faux "representatives of the PP" are to be arrested via citizens arrests and incarcerated indefinitely {for "their" own personal safety}, until investigations can be completed and the mess sorted out.

    Communications will be handled "off the wire" by courier populace "pigeons" utilizing the loyal "inner circle of officers and gentlemen" formerly trained under the tenets of "To Protect and To Serve", knowing full well this has through time eternal meant protecting and serving The People of the realm.

    None of loyal hearts and strong minds shall be conscripted to serve a corrupted State seeking to operate Ex-Constitutionally.

    So shall the haughty and mighty fall into the hands of the PP at the instigation of their treasonous and fiendish plan; never anticipating that THIS signal event signifies the End of the corporate usurpation of the Republic!

    You might want to circulate the gist of the "memo" alluded to herein.

    These words may self destruct in 5 seconds -- but the intelligence behind them is EveryWhere!

    U Usurpers (UU) -- BE SCARED! BE VERY SCARED!

  9. M thanks for your well thought out input. I'm so bummed out right now. No wonder my headache is coming back.

    Patrick, your prediction is making me sick because I think it's correct and I know it's coming very soon and I really REALLY want to believe I'm just having a bad dream (like yours and Curt's)and will wake up to things like they were before I knew a damn thing about the NWO and gmo food & poisonous vaccines & chemtrails & HAARP and so on and so forth. I've lived the best part of my life . It's my kids and grandkids I'm sick with worry over. I hate these bastards.

    As for Netanyahu.... fuck you, you demon from hell.

  10. Here is the post Munich is referring to just in case they delete it later:

    Progressive 101. thanks for your diligence and time for your posts here.

    But i really don't find apologists on CD for israeli crimes. Oh. Letto. But i can't think of anyone else.

    Now, if you are talking obama or the democratic party....well, then. Yes indeed!

    My close friend goes to the west bank every year to do actions with ISM. She going on monday and plans to stay for a month. To be honest. I don't think internationals are going to be allowed to go through. I heard at the march in DC last saturday, that they are sealing off the towns. An activist who just returned said they are prepping for something large. That is my own sensing.

    As i have said before. I have a feeling (and some information) that israel is going into iran in april. I think april or may. We will see.

    I must say, however, as an antizionist jew, that the whole biblical claim thing is really more promoted by christians. Regular jewish people ;-) don't talk that way. No one i have known, to be honest. I mean your basic, sort of liberal leaning, yet believer that israel is necessary, yadayada jewish person. Jews tend not to reference the bible - very unjewish really.

    This is really coming from fundamentalist christian circles and morphing into psycho fundamentalist orthodox or whatever they are, israeli jews. They are all delusional and sociopathic, in my personal and professional opinion.

  11. Patrick, if you click on the photo I provided, back in 75' our campsite was in the middle of the photo, alongside of the Creek. The black top area to the left use to be the old B&O - Conrail Rail line. I have some photos of it.

    One afternoon while we were camping there, a German friend, a brilliant guy, now a very successful
    "insurance" attorney in Philadelphia, he deicide we should canoe across the creek and then climb the side of the mountain on the right. It's called Eagle Point. We pretty near made it to the top "without ropes." It was dam steep! And stupid.

    While we were up there we unleashed a boulder, and to this day can still hear the sound it made as it barreled down the side of the mountain. The boulder could have been one of us had we fallen. We were smoked up and didn't care. It's a very beautiful area and good canoeing, but doesn't hold a candle to your neck of the woods, Chimney Rock and Lake Lure. Was there several years back and we were in awe of the beauty and terrain, especially Chimney Rock. That's freakin steep! However, didn't get to go canoeing of fishing.

    But the bright object we witnessed high above the top of Eagle Point was just amazing. To traverse horizontally and vertically, and stop on a dime. I don't think it was one of ours.

    I often think that our Earth and it's people are merely pieces of some huge chess-game board for the entertaiment of "others."

  12. Indeed Jersey Girl. I'm surprised the comment wasn't pulled.

    CD also has some brilliant minds, who know the score and the tyranny ruining this once great country.

    Did you see all of the Chemtrails this weekend? The sky looked like shit! They were spraying since Friday, non-stop. Headache you say? Everyone I speak with has them.

    So you go to your family doctor and ask "Doc! what a ya take for a "C H E G" (Chemtrail, HAARP, ELF and GWEN) headache? Their reponse would be "it's all in your head."

  13. Munich, The chemtrailing has been horrific. Yesterday morning while I was walking the dog I noticed a weird chemical-like smell in the air. At first I thought it was from my hair. I had used a shampoo for the first time and my hair was still damp. I remember thinking..ewwww I'll never buy this stuff again. But it wasn't my hair at all it was in the air. The air was heavy and damp and that weird odor just hung there. Then I remembered I had experienced something very similar in the fall, very early in the morning when it was still dark.

    Then, after a day out, I came home to walk the dog again. The wind gusts were so high that it scared the hell out of the dog. She spun around all crouched down looking to see where the freight train was that was bearing down on us. I'm telling you it was really freakish and loud. I just said to some friends the other day at work that I've never seen so much wind in all my life as we've experienced the past few years. Almost every day it's windy.

    Then I woke up this morning to hear about the tornadoes in North Carolina. Stay safe Patrick.

  14. What a can of worms, that Quiet War link. That's a lot of reading and even more work trying to understand it.

    As is this

    I'm not in a reading mood. Rode through Eager a couple of years ago, stopped to check my map. I didn't know that was where Coop lived and was killed. Check out the following link and the links on that page ..........;read=32268

    I need some fresh air. No wind! Just fresh air.

  15. Finding Bill Cooper back in 88 was a Godsend and the beginning of my hell. It was the reason for all my problems along with my relationship with my Mr. ex - CIA.

    I warn you that finally bringing Cooper into my conversations is not good. For him to be declared the most dangerous man on radio by Clinton was not wrong, for it was after I learned of the relationship between GHW Bush and Clinton came to light,

    I realized that Magog was the most dangerous man in America and Clinton was his Lieutenant. This is the one who would expose the reality and he was targeted after he shifted from the paranormal to the predictions of the biowarfare and 911 attacks.

    Who wanted him dead? Just like Kennedy, everyone in power. That's why the big push by MSM who has been completely taken over under the Martial Law triad, to promote the Rush's, Becks, A Jones, A. Bells, M Savage and other so called exposers.

    When you read BPH you will see the reasons for everything. You should also see that the shills now are driving the agenda to merge the terror threat to include you.

    Whether a nationalist patriot, gun rights advocate, feminist, Christian, Homosexual, Human Rights advocate, Constitutionalist, Anti Government in any capacity you will be painted a terrorist.

    We have discussed the FBI pamphlet. I have gathered over one hundred specific Government documents under the most chaotic and complicated structure as to have laymen scratching their heads.

    There is a finalization process now. The Event! All the Executive orders and memorandums, NSA directives and Directors are in place.

    Obama has his Govenors picked, Napolitano and Fugate are fully prepared. Fugate is Navy.

    The terror attacks in Russia today are part of the multi-prong event cycle. It has started and will be coming our way in short order. The FSB as the CIA will extremely busy in the next few months.

    I am no longer going to skirt any issues. NO MORE BEATING AROUND THE BUSH!!

    Alex Jones is a fraud, Art Bell is a fraud, Rush and Beck are going to watch us die and report as the committee instructs. They want us killing each other, militia against cops, people against the authorites and that is what Cooper warned.

    WE CAN ONLY FIGHT TOGETHER and when we use force we will play right into their hands. The unity has to happen or we are toast!

    Bill Cooper
    If you want to download Behold a Pale Horse it is at the coto-website along with the Report from Iron Mountain.

    I am gathering all the most important documents I have collected and will load them.

    A Satirical Indictment of RANDthink
    by Leonard Lewin

    But they have tried to make it fiction when it got out to the public. Iron Mountain and Mount Weather are the bunkers for Washington and New York committee members and polical criminals. Military personnel will be at the other locations I have reported. From Califonia (needles), USAF bases and Denver Complex through Cheyenne Mountain. These facilities are loading up.

    The Pope is on the move and that means Italy/Swiss are up to something as well. Curt please keep us posted on movements for Germany and surrounding areas.

    A FF right wing malitia group by the Southern Poverty Law Center has been set up. Michigan, Indiana and other areas. This MK shill or CIA player is working the domestic agenda at the same time as Russia.

    Wake up COTO those predictions I made are all coming about. Start thinking about your protection. Time is limited and we will soon have to stop this little discussion site.


  16. It was very windy Jersey Girl.

    When you own the weather you can do as you please.

    I was just listening to Mike Chambers and he noted that sometime ago he was in line at a store and was talking to an elderly lady who understood the Chemtrails. She stated to him that in order to get their way, they'll have to kill both our generation and your generation off.

    Chambers is much better to listen to than Jones

  17. Beautiful photo and great location Munich. The Grand Chess Game indeed. How puny and overwhelmed I feel trying to follow all the disinfo and make heads or tails out of it.

    I think soon I will just fade away and get to a spot like GC NAT"L PARK or some tiny Island. If the end is coming I'd prefer to die on the African Serengeti.

  18. I think the alien thing is true. By that I mean, I believe that ufo that Cooper saw rising out of the water that day was an alien craft. I think the U.S. military uses the alien technology.

    Cooper tried to convince one audience that ufos can't be real because it's always the govt that gets to them first. Of course the govt always gets to the UFOs first. They are either in contact with the aliens or scanning the skies with a fine tooth comb looking for them.

    The complete 180 he did on them was a bit odd.

  19. I did the same. I was convinced of Area 51 and the abductions. It was a masterful campaign and I am still angry I was sucked in.

    I won't say I am 100% but after reading thousands of government pages and alternate explanations, I am 99%

    I will always be honest on this blog. If there are aliens here, then they were always here. They got discovered while mining or tunneling. If they are extraterestrial they will certainly represent the fallen angels so exactly reported in scriptures.

    What makes it so interesting is that the coming world order so fits the appearance of an Aryan type leader who would be exalted as an alien and a godlike figure to cover all the bases.

    It does stimulate my Hollywood fantasy gene. The one I am trying to rid myself of permanently.

  20. Phil Schneider had a lot of credibility as well. He said he had a gunfight to get out of getting killed by them when he was the engineer at Dulce NM.

  21. My eyes have taken their toll with all the reading I have done Curt.

    If you want to view a good video on it go here:

  22. Many thanks, PD. I'll have it for breakfast in a few hours.
