Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001


Folks -- This is a "very informed" report (6 years in the making) and every one of you should read it and add this information to your knowledge base!  Because it DOES Make a Difference!

Introduction to the PDF REPORT:

Initially, it is difficult to see a pattern to the destruction of September 11th other than the total destruction of the World Trade Center, a segment of the Pentagon, four commercial aircraft and the loss of 2,993 lives. However, if the perceived objective of the attack is re-defined from its commonly suggested ‘symbolic’ designation as either ‘a terrorist attack’ or a ‘new Pearl Harbor,’ and one begins by looking at it as purely a crime with specific objectives (as opposed to a political action), there is a compelling logic to the pattern of destruction. This article provides research into the early claims by Dick Eastman, Tom Flocco, V.K. Durham and Karl Schwarz that the September 11th attacks were meant as a cover-up for financial crimes being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th.

After six years of research, this report presents corroborating evidence which supports their claims, and proposes a new rationale for the September 11th attacks. In doing so, many of the anomalies – or inconvenient facts surrounding this event - take on a meaning that is consistent with the claims of Eastman et al. The hypothesis of this report is: the attacks of September 11th were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The attacks of September 11th also served to derail multiple Federal investigations away from crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. In doing so, the attacks were justified under the cardinal rule of intelligence: “protect your resources”2 and consistent with a modus operandi of sacrificing lives for a greater cause.  The intent of the report is to provide a context for understanding the events of September 11th rather than to define exactly what happened that day.

***The PDF REPORT IS FOUND AT http://www.israelshamir.net/Contributors/Collateral_Damage_911.pdf Do not anticipate a quick read, but a studied examination of information most have not been privy to view…

If you have never heard of V.K. Durham, then I urge you to visit her website at http://www.theantechamber.net/ .  Get ready to open another chapter of ‘intrigue’ hidden and compartmentalized beyond the view of most citizens.  Names like Bush Senior, Ollie North and others pop up frequently and will add to your depth of understanding of current day events where we all have been inexorably “taken for a ride”.  The Links provided on her site will lead to fascinating documentation and revelations you cannot imagine!  You can also check out Tom Flooco, Dick Eastman and Karl Shwarz on the web as you choose.


  1. Fascinating read, but I'm hardly surprised, except at our passive acceptance of it.

    Off with their heads.

    AND - abolish the fiction of finance, of course.

  2. I'm glad you invested your time and attention to read it FlakMan. Please circulate it to the best of your abilities and influences. The continuuing "exposure" of our corrupt "emperors", publicly disrobing them so that the masses can gawk at their pustulous, warped bodies and heinous deeds will lead to the meting out of the justice they deserve. We all can help put an end to the Robbery, Murder and Fraud being perpetrated against ALL peoples of the world. Humanity must clean their toilet bowl of Elite moneymasters, and flush these vermin, their Families, and tentacles out of OUR system. They are truly a cancer, parasite and pox upon humanity. Say "NO" to narcissistic megalomaniacal psychopaths!

    Gold and Silver money only. Audit and Kill the Fed. DC Cesspool -- the guilty to be tried and convicted.

  3. THis was written about by another author I read. I will have to find that info. Too much stuff these days.

    WT7 was to kill the Wallstreet theft and Pentagon was the missing DOD/Dov money correct?

    6 trillion or there abouts? Going to dig it up and read both thoroghly again. When I find mine I'll post it Boom.

  4. Is this PDF by the now deceased Herman Skolnick? Seems I've read much of it before; maybe someone else has added to his original report.

  5. On the article it lists:

    Researchers: Dick Eastman, V.K. Durham, Tom Flocco, and Karl Schwarz

    I found it at:


    I have read V.K. Durham's research and Tom Flocco's links a couple of years ago on Durham's site, www.theantechamber.net. It was all quite interesting and intriguing.

    What's your take on these revelations, Brad?

  6. I spoke to a guy...have to go back to my files, who was on his way to a meeting in the towers and got caught in traffic...being late for the meeting saved his life. sitting in traffic about a half mile away he watched the plane hit right at the floors where the meeting was taking place.

    His info centered on this economic angle. Many of those attending the meeting had insider knowledge of some fancy footwork in the insurance and financial corps. They were in a tele meeting with a top dog--who of course set them up to be there.

    He talks of a feed out of trillions of more dollars as the events were about to take place that morning...and something about a new Artificial Intelligence software that was able to manage twigabites of financial transactions per second, wiping out many competitors in one swell foop leaving no witnesses to tell the tale.

    This AI software is apparently the sire of the Inslaw thing boosted by some Japanese super computer genius...a real time by the moment prophesy machine.

    So, now we enter hyperspace...whew.
