Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So far - so good ...

God help me, but when I was drawing the splattered lemmings, I was laughing my ass off. I obviously have some serious issues.



  1. Now, if the lemming-people would just bearhug or clasp hands with a Neocon taking them both to Paradise the world would be a better place quickly.

    By-the-way M -- you ARE "speaking to the issues". This shitmeisters have made their issues Your issues to rebut by their arrogant psychomanias. Bloody Hell!

  2. The jumpers have real historic heritage. The recent purported Al.qaeda with the bomb up the gazoot I dont know about. There are some things that just aint worth it.

  3. Those who are not aware (Or were not aware) are face up, while the one who is aware is face down; while we who watch through this toon are looking down must also be aware. Painfully aware...

  4. Ha! Good one M.. I love how the tiny little lemmings go splat too. It's cathartic to say the least.

  5. Thanks for visualizing my recent comment M. It's right on.

    Kinda reminds me of the Love bug problem me and Levin deal with in Florida.

    The helpless flight of little minds in the winds of the world order.

    It also brings back to mind that joke I liked.
    "Whats the last thing to go through a bugs mind as he hits your windshield?"

    "His ass"

  6. Splattered lemmings, in the street

    Splattered lemmings, the NWO thinks it's neat

    Splattered lemmings, you're not the truth


    I hear Keith Olbermann is doing a "Special Comment" about the NWO?

  7. He is? When? He's probably gonna say it's a crazy conspiracy put forth by the tea baggin' right wingers.

  8. purrrrrr .......


  9. The Olbermann comment was in jest JG. I stopped watching him months ago. He's bogus and he's knows it. As is Matthews, Blitzer etc.

    How much do you suppose Olbermann (a former sportscaster)rakes in a year at MSNBC (GE) for merely filling the credulous lemmings vapid minds with half-truths? The engine, which drives this pernicious nwo.

    Everything is OK


  10. "while I was drawing"

    Tell you what, M. You sure can draw. These are classics. I hope you and they are getting due coverage by putting the 'share' tab on them.

  11. M, when you post one of your excellent art pieces, make sure you type in words that apply to your message in the "add" box before you post.

    Those are the keywords readers outside of coto see which brings them to your graphic and our site.

    I added a few to this one for you. Pretty much everything going on that's no good applies to this toon.

  12. Thanks for the clarification on the Olbermann thing munich. I love, love LOVE this video you posted ! I'm sending it to everyone on my email list .. thanks;)

  13. Laughter can be a response to horror.
    Learn to laugh- or go stark staring crazy i guess.
    good toon

  14. I like a lot of your work, Michael but I think this one is distasteful.

  15. Curt, what's distasetful about it? It's a political cartoon and it's right on. Usually the lemmings rush to the sea to drown, these lemmings are jumping off a building.. same idea except these lemmings go splat...

    I'm sick and tired of stupid americans who don't give a damn about their country turning into a police state, especially those that can see it and think it's a good idea to have the police around to protect them. They don't want to know about anything other than who won dancing with the stars, american idol and the football game on Sunday.

    Screw them. I've moved on and will step over their dumb asses if I have to in order to save my own and those of the awake and aware who have been ringing the warning bell for years now to deaf ears.

  16. Now, now, thank you so much for coming to my defense, but there is some merit to what he says, it is a bit distasteful, and abrupt, in-your-face, shocking, and dark-humor to it's max.

    I don't think you can be all the latter without the former. So be it.

    Ever think of becoming my agent?

    Luv ya baby ... what an attitude!

  17. Thanks for given it to me.

  18. Remember CasaZaza's pic with the Sheeples "jumping" into the hole!

    That's not morbid. It is Apt. So here.

    Have any of you looked at the blood splattering violence that goes on in /Adults video games? THAT is sickl...without a point.

    M's tunes Rez-O-Nate at the gut level == where people can digest the message.

  19. ....totally distasteful to expose the blonde's panties on her way down.


  20. ahhh ... guilty?

  21. Totally ;-)

    But seriously, the first thing I saw was the sidewalk below one of the WTC towers. Totally my issue because I have these images in my head....never really seen anything similar anywhere else. De facto, the real ugly shit is in my head. My head. Not yours, brother Michael. Well, maybe yours too. Prolly so.

    I hope you don't mind when I deliver straight talk like this. Anyway, JG sure layed it on (as usual grrr).

    Good waves your way.


  22. No offense taken. Art is subjective. Eye of the beholder, and all that.

    Understandable considering you were there. Most people are shielded from grime realities that such trauma can bring about.

  23. singin' pink floyd......~~the lunatic is in my head.........

    you know I love you guys ;)

  24. M, remember that Twilight Zone, "eye of the beholder?" The one with ellie may clampett?(donna douglas)

  25. [ from Silence of the Lambs ]

    H.. Then something woke you, didn't it?
    Was it a dream?
    What was it?

    C.. I heard a strange noise.

    H.. What was it?

    C.. It was screaming. Some kind of screaming, like a child's voice.

    H.. What did you do?

    C.. I went downstairs, outside. I crept up into the barn. I was so scared to look inside, but I had to.

    H.. And what did you see, Clarice?
    What did you see?

    C.. Lambs. The lambs were screaming.

    H.. They were slaughtering the spring lambs?

    C.. And they were screaming.

    H.. And you ran away?

    C.. No. First I tried to free them. I opened the gate to their pen, but they wouldn't run. They just stood there, confused. They wouldn't run.

    H.. But you could and you did, didn't you?

    C.. Yes. I took one lamb, and I ran away as fast as I could.

    H.. Where were you going, Clarice?

    C.. I don't know. I didn't have any food, any water and it was very cold, very cold. I thought,
    I thought if I could save just one, but he was so heavy. So heavy. I didn't get more than a few miles when the sheriff's car picked me up. The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again.

    H.. What became of your lamb, Clarice?

    C.. They killed him.

    H.. Well, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?

  26. So much of TZ was prophetic.

    Fact is we're living the TZ now BIG TIME.

  27. Good one koalice. The sheeple, errr I mean lambs, will also soon be awakening and screaming ...

    What is unfolding in this country is as nightmarish and horrific as Silence of the Lambs.

  28. Good God!! How freaking low can you go!!

  29. You need some serious help! You are completely lacking in having a soul!
