Sunday, September 13, 2009



The following information was published in a book by Chas. M Higgins in 1920.  Yes, 1920.

This was a petition to President Woodrow Wilson imploring him to stop compulsory vaccination.  Of course, it wasn't heeded.  According to Higgins, vaccinations caused more deaths than smallpox at the time. ~jg

The entire book is available through google for free.. Here is the pdf file with pictures included. (Trust me, it's very interesting reading.)

It's stunning that, 89 years later, his words are still relevant and still go unheeded.   Mr. Higgins summed up his plea to President Wilson in this way:

To sum up briefly, I think it may now be seen that our several cardinal points against the evils of Compulsory Vaccination have been proved by impregnable legal, medical and historical facts and out of the mouth of high authorities on vaccination. These cardinal points may be stated in seven numbers as follows :

First: The illegality and unconstitutionally of all compulsory vaccination and its gross violation of Medical Freedom and Bodily Sanctity, which are unalieoable American rights equal with Religious Freedom,

Second: The medical barbarism and malpractice of all compulsory medicine and compulsory  disease as being opposed to all true standards of medical ethics and logic,

Third: The poor protective power of vaccination, which gives no immunity from smallpox except for short periods of a few months or a year and requires frequent repetition, which is obviously  ineffective as a protection and dangerous as a remedy.

Fourth : That sanitation, isolation and hygiene have been and are the chief means of preventing and suppressing smallpox epidemics independent of vaccination.

Fifth: That vaccination is very dangerous to health and life, causes epidemics in animals and mankind and is oftentimes more fatal than smallpox and now causes more deaths than smallpox.

Sixth: That vaccinating doctors and health officials most shamefully deny and conceal injuries and deaths from vaccination and falsify our vital statistics accordingly.

Seventh : That the practice of inflicting on the human body a compulsory medical disease, which is dangerous to health and life and causes many deaths every year, is obviously illegal and a medical crime on the people which must be suppressed.

As soon, therefore, as this crushing fact of the great danger of vaccination to human health and life enters the mind and conscience of the mass of the people, and is fully grasped by the legislative, the judicial and the executive minds of the country —from whom it has been so long concealed by medical false­hood in high places—this enlightenment will, I firmly believe, result in the permanent abolishment of all compulsory vaccination, if not in the penal prohibition of general vaccination, as being now more dangerous than natural smallpox; and to that great fact and to this final and prophetic thought, Mr. Presi­dent, I ask your careful attention in closing this exposure of vaccination horrors and medical mendacities.

Respectfully submitted,
Chas. M. Higgins

Dated at 271 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. Constitution Day, September 17, 1919.


  1. Seems to be that vaccination is a real hot-theme nowadays! I would like to read it. Thanx.

  2. sad isnt it? even back then people knew and tried to warn and save others, but even then Pharmas had lobbyists money and no scruples to use either or both to gain.
    AMA foundation is an oldboys tie into it, all devious and corrupt. ban the treatments that work, that are old, free, and safe. can't have healthy people after all, they need us to be ill to Profit from it.
    bastards in spades!

  3. Absolutely unfreakin' real. I am starting to think the chemtrails are the prerequisite to the toxic vaccines. A spread of bacteria to weaken our immune systems and then wham! the final blow with the jab of a needle.

    As soon as the skies clear, there they are painting poisonous plumes all over our sky again. Only god knows what's falling from those giant white lines.....

  4. Vanilla Sky JG, Vanilla sky and we are trapped in the Lucid Dream.

  5. Brilliant! You are all geniuses. Oh, by the way, how was smallpox virtually eliminated from the world? By vaccination, geniuses. Referring to World War I, you are referring to a period when medicine was not nearly as developed as it is today--penicillin was not even invented then.

  6. lifefd, Variola vera was officially eradicated, true. But does the eradication of Variola vera via vaccination give all vaccines a blank check or green light? I think not.

  7. lifed.. please get the shots.. all 2 or 3 of them.. I implore you. Just do it.

    I'd link you to just how dangerous these vaccines are but why bother. You're not interested..

    Move along with the rest of the herd to the big pharma slaughter. Really, they only want what's best for you .....

  8. Vanilla Sky.. i love that movie and the soundtrack..Sigur Ros is haunting.
    "open your eyes.."

  9. I plan to get vaccinated as I do not want to be one of the estimated 90,000 people that will die from seasonal flu and H1N1 flu this year. That is nearly twice the number of American soldiers killed in the approximate nine years of Vietnam. Unless you have a compelling reson not to get vaccinated, you are taking a substantial r isk. If you do not get vaccinated, at least wash your hands, avoid shaking hands, get needed sleep, and take vitamin C and zinc. Can you document that 90,000 people are likely to die from being vaccinated this year? I think not.

  10. lifefd, you need to go to the WHO or CDC own pages and dowload the PDF files as most of us have done! read in their own paperwork some facts that the Media, being owned by the same mogul mongrel mobs as are tied in with!! the vaccine makers. how
    they will ok live attenuated, how they KNOW that viral shedding and further contagion is LIKELY and KNOWN to happen..but. as its a pandemic, it doesnt matter???????????
    like it's of no account that IMMUNISED fools can be spreading it to others. oh wonderful, engenders faith and trust doesn't it?
    see POLIO , ALL known polio cases since the late 60's HAVE BEEN the Vaccine strain. not one!!! wild strain has been found.
    As for us offering proof that 90K people wont die because of imminisation
    give us a break .
    the media jumped on that figure, it WAS revised DOWN very soon after. they used the FICTITIOUS 36K a year from usual flu.
    that also is , a best guess never ever proven!!!! yet used to instill fear in the gullible every year ad nauseum. see Mike adams Debunked that bullshit early on!
    No two vaccines are the same, yet NOT every batch is tested before release, thats a SAD FACT!!
    CSL aust, is different from the CSL USA brew.
    Merk have had "issues" BAXTER are highly suspect for QA after loosing 72kg!! of the wrong vaccine untested and wrongly labelled! scuse us for being a wee bit wary! for a level 4 lab that is inexcusable.
    wise up, go see and get some education, there are 4 Dr Horowitz flim clips on you tube One on Novavax, one 2 part on Corruption in the industry, and In Lies We Trust should have you apologising to Coto, oh, and ODDLY? enough it WAS the VACCINATED soldiers that appear to have started the 1918 pandemic. go figure hey??

  11. I say, go for it. No risk, no fun.,2933,542950,00.html

  12. tony suss ozspeaks, and coto2 I ran stories re the aussie crap there.
    CSL and the sweetheart deal with our aussie govt.

  13. oz, what is coto2?

  14. Do you believe in any vaccination?

  15. here dear:-)
    and theres a new one also ,updated.

  16. Oz, you have first hand knowledge of vaccine injury. My son was 18months old when he had his booster.

    That night he developed a raging fever, top of the thermomenter. I forget if that's 106 or 107. Anyway, his eyes were glazed and his face was flushed and he was as limp as a wet rag. We rushed him to the pediatrician who was just finishing up his last evening appt.

    He said he was having an arthis reaction to the pertussis in the shot. He said it was COMMON! My son could have had a seizure and died. Instead, he was very lucky because he wound up with "only" a slight learning disability.

    I still went ahead and vaccinated my daughter when she came along still trusting doctors know best. THEY DON'T. They know as much about the vaccines as I did back then which is next to nothing about what's in them and the harm they wreak in an infant or small child and in Oz's case, an adult!

    I just got an 8wk out aussie shep who has had her first round of shots.. was wondering what to do about the rest?

  17. lifefd, check these two out;

    You're welcome,


  18. hiya Jersey, I faced same issue re pups I had recently. tough. I bit bullet and wrenched my gut worrying, and was wild to find that in this state they do a 4 in 1 no option! distemper parvo,and 2x para and adeno flu..shit on toast!
    Due to brainwashed public, I allowed the one only -and I kept pups back till 3 months before allowing it--.rather than 4 or 6 weeks they advocate, I kept one lass and she will NEVER have any more.
    Neither will any of my adult dogs.
    see susan thixton
    she has some good data.
    Vets been bullshittin re yearly shots for years, good revenue!
    NOW they finally admit it IS NOT necessary at all, and IS causing issues! BASTARDS!
    for good info also. nice retired vet. now he can and IS telling the truth!!!
    Parvo and kennel cough is only an issue in unhealthy canned food and crowded dogs.
    kennel cough can be treated as a bad flu, antibiotics if really bad, cough syrup if just the cough.
    Parvo is Immediate antibiotics, no delay, it is nasty, vaccines are no g/tee.

    NEVER ever fall for Rimadyl, deramaxx, car do phen for arthritic pain!!!
    its all VIOXX for dogs and can have severe nasty side effects liver convulsions etc.
    Car tro phen, a different drug, VIA injection is safe and works.

    I hope you lead an active life Jersey..your dog will see to it:-)
    they are good at rounding up sparrows, if bored:-)

    Distemper is usually in working dogs that seem to get it from sheep/cowyards. no Idea why, but I have seen 3 working dogs with it, they recovered. no vaccination, no vet just vitamins and support care. not mine, a friends, many many years ago.
    and see
    for good reasons NOT to Chip you dogs! tumours at the site are NOT uncommon, one woman here knows of 2 cases of these tumours, I asked her to report it to susan or antichips, we NEED a data base as Vets do NOT report.

  19. Thanks for the links & info oz. I will definitely be looking into it. The only problem is that without the shots you can't board your dog or even have them groomed. Not that I'm going anywhere and I can do my own grooming but I'm just sayin.

    I'm ready and willing to share my time with an aussie ;) So far, she lives up to the name of "velcro dog". She's stuck to me like glue. I brought her home yesterday afternoon and I think she'll be real easy to housebreak. She doesn't have a weak bladder like my last dog, a gorgeous samoyed who we had to have put down at age 15. Do you have an aussie?

    Microchip my dog? NEVER ! I would no more do that than I'd allow myself to be chipped. I did see that many breeders are doing that as a rule now. That sucks bigtime. I think that's how they are indoctrinating us to think it's a good thing Chipping pets and old people first, next children (for their own good in case they are lost or kidnapped of course!)

  20. So far it is not a compulsory vaccination while you might be compelled to get it you are plain stupid if you do

  21. agreed ahrcanum!...but many are being told they must get the vaccine or not report to work. THAT is where the problem lies.

    Those people have to proclaim loudly that the president of the u.s. said it's NOT MANDATORY. Let's see where that gets them ;)

  22. Thanks for all the information. I beleve informed intuition usually leads to the best choices. I respect what is right for you.


    this is a short excerpt, from a very informative longer film.
    Many of us reading this either have parents , or are ourselves, in the groups that got the infected Vaccines for Polio.
    How do YOU feel after watching this?
    think we should blindly trust media and pharmas???

  24. From what I can tell, it is my best guess that problem with the polio vaccine was that they used a LIVE virus. I am getting the seasonal flue vaccine because it uses dead viruses; however, I am not getting the H1N1 vaccine because it will be a nasal spray of attenuated LIVE virus. Anyone with organ transplants or taking medication which lowers their immune system will not be allowed to get this initial H1N1 vaccine. Anyone with a compromised immune system should not get attenuated LIVE virus vaccinations. I plan to wait until they have an H1N1 vaccination composed of DEAD virus. My understanding is that it takes longer to develop the DEAD virus injections, but they are much safer. Anyone with a compromised immune system should not be around someone receiving the LIVE attenuated virus nasal spray vaccination for thirty days after the person was vaccinated because they could actually give the disease to someone with a compromised immune system. Local hospitals are not allowing children to visit hospital wards because children are most likely to get the H1N1 flu and they are the first to be vaccinated with the LIVE virus.

  25.'s some good advice for ya. Let your immune system fight off the flu. That's the best way to stay healthy.

    Injecting toxins into your system only compromises your body and it is prevented from doing the job it's meant to do.

    Don't get ANY flu shots. I never had a flu shot and got the flu only once in my life which was about 25 years ago. I'd say my immune system is doing it's job!

    PS: The vaccinated should be quarantined from the unvaccinated in my opinion ~

  26. Eleven children died last week from H1N1 flu. Do you still think vaccination is a joke? See

  27. I also notice they manage to NOT metion obesity asthma etc in this report.
    all but a few of the dead of all ages HAVE a chronic illness or other problem. so? why? is this being dismissed now, in the reporting?
    The WHO has a PDF that ADMITS! that the live attenuated vaccines DO raise the risk of Viral shedding to humans and animals!
    they then discount it as of no import during a pandemic..hmm? if it Actually Makes the pandemic worse,,as it will, I consider it of High import, and a crime to NOT disclose that salient fact to the public.
    read this! I cannot confirm, but I do consider it believable,
    2009 Oct 10 from David Lowe
    I live in Wichita, KS, and my mother-in-law works as a medical transcriptionist from her home. There are several elderly ladies who work for this medical transcription service, which receives recorded audio and written notes from doctors and patients and transcribes them into patient history files.

    I was just informed by my mother-in-law that her co-workers at this medical transcription service are greatly alarmed at the number of people who are being admitted into local hospitals in the last few days because they went to get immunized with the nasal form of the flu vaccine, FluMist.

    They are coming in greatly ill and in large numbers. This, of course, is receiving zero local news attention. There are news stories that emergency rooms are very busy, but they report that it is because of the flu, not because these people have in common that they received FluMist.
    The source is G Edward Griffins latest newsletter

  28. Wow oz.. thanks for the breaking news from aussieland! Can you post G Edward Griffins newsletter?

    I can't believe people would line up for flumist which contains live flu virus. How dumb can you be?

    this is the main page
    see the latest newsletter for the swine comment and other items, g edward is COTO too.

  30. you may find this page enlightening too:-)


    also well worth a read.

  32. I agree that attenuated live virus nasal spray is dangerous for some people. I do not plan to use it; however, I will get vaccinated once they have injections of dead virus available. As for the people dying having other chronic conditions as well, that generally has always been the case. It highlights the importance of people with chronic conditions getting vaccinated once the injections using dead virus is available.

  33. and this! is a must read!

  34. Its dangerous to ALL people! inc those who didnt get the damn dose.
    and people with already damaged immune systems should run a mile, from anything that is likel to make it worse, ie a vaccine that ramps up the cytokine system and exacerbates autoimmune response and adds toxic sludge and mercury to boot.

  35. lifefd.. why would you risk taking a rushed through UNTESTED vaccine containing mercury and other deadly toxins to taking your chances of getting the milder than average flu??? Are you that brainwashed by big pharma and big medicine or are you just plain intellectually challenged?

  36. That rense article is very good Oz. WHy don't you post it as an article?

  37. This was taken from a thread debating Dr Horowitz views:

    You are clearly a paranoid delusional with no real scientific knowledge and a penchant for believing any lunatic fringe theory propounded on the Internet.
    Vaccinations have reduced the occurance of a large number of formerly deadly illnesses. They are among the most effective and safest of medical procedures.
    It is morons like you that may allow the return of polio, whooping cough, and mumps as threats to the health of our ...

  38. "loving" (taken from another thread):

    You are clearly a paranoid delusional with no real scientific knowledge and a penchant for believing any lunatic fringe theory propounded on the Internet.
    Vaccinations have reduced the occurance of a large number of formerly deadly illnesses. They are among the most effective and safest of medical procedures.
    It is morons like you that may allow the return of polio, whooping cough, and mumps as threats to the health of our population.

  39. Do I think H1N1 is a joke?? Absolutely NOT. I think it's a lab created virus that Big Pharma is making Big Bucks off of at our expense. How many have died or are injured from the shots? The bought and paid for by Big Pharma msm won't report that little tidbit of info now will they?

  40. Dr. Horowitz says that somehow it is a conspiracy promoted by the CIA to commit genocide. What?? Dr. Horowitz looks like some kind of cheesy snake oil salesman stringing one loose idea with another loosely supported implication and winds it all together like some kind of paranoid person who needs help. See

  41. Are you kidding me? Here is an article by the self-annointed expert Dr. Len Horowitz who blames "white collar terrorists" for 911. There is absolutely no credible evidence to suppoert his lean theories. He somehow links 911 to the drug companies. This is utter nonsense and fodder for the naive. See this sham at good old See

  42. and Dr. Len Horowitz are a farce. He claims 911 was planned with American involvement and somehow links flu vaccinations to 911, drug cartels, the Mideast, and other nonsense. This man's thinking is not worth the paper it is written on. Anyone believing his speculative loose conjectures and fantasies needs to check their grip on reality. See more nonsense at is one of the most flimsy pack of lies I have viewed. What a waste of time.

  43. Dr. Len Horowitz sounds like some kind of nut who claims that the government somehow wants to decimate the American population with dangerous vaccines which he continues to try to link to 911 somehow. His loose associations are mind boggling. This is total crap and it is ridiculous that any logical adult would give these delusions air. See

  44. The Rense articles are conspiracy nonsense. We can not be wasting time reading these poor joke websites. We do have a pandemic. Any where from twenty-five to sixty-five people are dying per week. Burying your head in the sand will not help anyone. See

  45. Do I think that is a joke? Why, yes I do. They are running down large pharmaceuticals so that they can continue selling their snake oil advertisers products that have little or no research behind them. See

  46. lifefd,
    ok have a look here, and I just do not want another diatribe about AJ, yeah he can be over the top, but he also posts hard and proveable facts, Just Like Doc H does!

    if you could get your brainwashed head outta the mainstream mindset, and go do your own checking you will find Doc H always always has hard data to back his claims!
    Rense and AJ are "collectors"
    Rense did get scammed by the Navy death a few weeks back, and he IMMEDIATELY posted a "we got hoaxed" apology too!

    There really are some very weird and dirty deeds being done, if you cannot handle the truth, when it is told and leads are provided? well, too bad.(for you)
    Now as to making money..hmm? I guess the NON stop TV media radio etc Drug pushing is just fine?
    so the complete denial of the FACT that nutrition Does make a massive difference to human health , by the good ol FDA is also fine with you?
    A vitamin only works IF it is synthesised by a pharma?
    Be F/N real!
    And just what??? do you think is the likely outcome from someone going into Anaphylactic shock , from a vaccine jab, IN a bloody Walmart store??
    NO Vaccination should be done outside of an area with complete resucitation equipment and the training to use it.

    9/11 is the biggest LIE the world was ever told, and sadly some people like yourself, just cannot handle it, yes, it is certainly unsettling to realise that Your OWN government was the perpetrator..unless you happen to be a little more COTO than the average dumbed down media soaked sheepie.
    Heres an easy fix.
    don't go to rense, or AJ, or here!
    Stay in your own little makebelieve world like a good child, and when it all falls down around your ears, have a tantrum that it isn't fair, someone needs to help you, and why? didn't someone let you know...
    we tried.
    you denied.
    go away!

  47. Oz, brilliant reply to the "head in the sand" lifed.
    You have much more patience than I do. I used to try to reason with such people but when they refuse to see anything but what msm tells them, it's a lost cause until THEY themselves or one of their loved ones are confronted with a vaccine injury or death.

    Too bad people like that always have to learn the hard way. I'd much rather present the evidence to a more free thinking, albeit swayed by msm, person who will do the research from many different sources and have that .. "oh now I see!" moment.

    I bet it's safe to say that is where every coto member started out. We heard bits and pieces and thought.. oh that's conspiracy stuff. But then we saw other little bits and pieces that made us say..hmmm.. maybe I should look into this further...

    Inquiring, intelligent, free thinking minds rarely take things at face value. We aren't fooled nor satisfied by the punch and judy show as people like lifed. We want to see the man BEHIND the curtain.

  48. thanks Jerseygirl, I really had to try, but from the list of posts I got when I logged on, I knew that he/she /it. had a closed and MSM biased mindset,
    I could hope they are very young and naive...but somehow I suspect they should be old enough to have grown a brain, and didn't!
    And sadly never will , with a closed, don't wanna know..viewpoint.
    that old saying...take a horse to water...sure holds true.
    I just bet DR OZ media doofus is their trusted medical advisor..:-)
    I only saw/heard him recently, now if lifefd, wants to complain about a money making scamster, they could look there!
    His contract, and appearances would rake in scads every time, Doc Mercola and Horowitz would never see that amount of money!
    yet they continue, and compared to the billions made by killer pharmas, they exist on less than one ad campaign between them.
    and then theres mugs like us...doing many hours researching learning and sharing, for nothing..
    It makes me they ever stop to think why? we bother caring, and trying to help inform the masses?
    All of us would appear to have an overdeveloped social conscience:-) it hurts when you do your damndest to inform and try and save others from possibly injurious outcomes, and they throw it in your face.
    Ce la Vie I guess.

  49. lol oz. Amazing isn't it? Along with Dr Horowitz, how much does AJ or Rense make compared to ANY of the msm talking heads such as Dr Oz or Dr Nancy Snyderman shills for Big Pharma vaccines? Yet, these people love to bring up.. "oh they are just trying to sell dvds or snake oil". Jesus H Christ, what loons.

    Oz, I truly think we cotoers were born this way. I'm sure in our past lives we were doing the same. Trying to warn people about the huge hammer about to drop on their heads.

    I bet, like me, you've always been sensitive to and pissed off by injustice, a champion of the underdog, have a strong desire to find the REAL truth and like a bloodhound won't stop probing until you've dug it up through intensive searching, most of all, I bet you have always felt the need to rebel against any type of authoritarianism.

    Believe it or not, those qualities are what set COTO apart from the majority of the population. Of course you believe it. Because COTO KNOWS ;)

  50. dammit JG, you just made my neck hair stand up:-)
    I just spent 4 weeks, 3 of that cleaning up for 2 old ladies who had got in ..."a bit of a pickle" to quote them..:-)
    try 3+ years of rubbish, dirty clothes, food scraps and..3 cats, in a one bedroom flat.
    no hot water no stove and no flushable toilet.
    for free, cos they needed help.
    going to lawyer and police to stop a rather nasty "friend" who was pushing for power of attorney, and to gain access to 1 mill? worth of land
    every box had to be looked at- every scrap of paper to be scanned. its why I havent been posting much, just too exhausted.!
    I got told to stop asking and answering questions at school..go figure, I thought we went to learn..
    ha, boy was I wrong!
    I was respectful until I asked why? were we doing ..whatever.. and was told "because I say so" not -why there was a valid and coherent reason- to learn whatever daft thing it was I queried.
    Respect has to be earned, I do not give mine lightly. A suit and a uniform or paper qualifications, I found- do not necessarily mean the person in them is worthy of the respect they Should engender, but sadly often do not.:-(
    now I find, I am the person people come to to ask what? why? how? its worth it. if I do not know , it pisses me off till I do find the answer.

    so you did sum it up very well indeed.
    top of the class, that Jersey Girl:-)


    rather a good rant by friend Mike adams! :-)

    now lifefd if you are reading...shut your eyes, NOW! and stick you fingers in your ears and go Lal alalalalal

  52. I do not accept sensationalized hearsay as acceptable evidence. The sources you cite often have little credibility. If you really want credible current research and information regarding health, go to

  53. I gave you the wrong website address--go to for the latest credible research on health.

  54. Not all research and authority is "out to get you." Some actually, believe it or not, try to be beneficial to people. Here is an example of a website that gives real information instead of fantasized anti-authority delusions, see

  55. lifed.. ok I went there but I don't see anything about vaccines. What am I looking for exactly?

  56. Oz, you truly are an old soul :-)
