Saturday, August 15, 2009

The President Who Told the Truth

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  1. A great flick! But it only shows the obvious "problem" and does not solve it with an answer. Not even JFK stated who or what that truth is! All this flick shows is the secretive organizations used as initiatory groups for indebting loyalty but to what?

    Like I said before... Da Vinci's code has been broken and solved and is today available published for all to see, but do you know what it is you are looking at when you look at it?

    Staring you in the face yet still hidden from the uninitiated is the dark con of man, but it will surely piss you off when you discover the truth! And could wreck your entire belief system once you become aware...

    Solve Da Vinci's code and you solve the mystery of today's NWO... but can you handle it is the question??? You are so conditioned in a certain way that your automatic response will be one of disbelief and then anger. But once you know the key to the mystery all the pieces will fall into place like water flowing over a waterfall.

    The deposed Stewarts will never voluntarily kneel before the dark con of man.

  2. Great post, JG - and a hat tip to AJ for a slick YouTube.

    Did you know that Google took down Sibel Edmonds' blogspot for 3-4 days until after her testimony in the Ohio case? (I bet you did.)

    And that it cooperates with China, etc. to stem information flow?

    Well, hell - they'd lose the contract if they didn't give the customer what it wants, right?

    And all that matters to billionaires is more money. Odd how psychopaths have come to rule, isn't it?

    We - you, me and all the other bloggers - are doing what JFK asked of media. We are the 4th Estate...

    Keep up the great work.

  3. Okay, Levin, spill the beans or at least drop a URL. We can handle it. Out with it.

  4. Welcome back Rady! And yes it was a good find. I had never heard JFK say those things before. He knew, but even he did not spill the beans. He also pointed to them cryptically.

    And tony, I don't want to just spill the beans. I would like for some of the members of COTO to reach for the answers themselves the same as I spent years of research in uncovering. I would like to move this discussion to the private post I started on Solving Da Vinci's code.

    Surely some of you read the book or saw the movie?

    Sooner or later some of you have got hit on the target area, but as yet COTO is in the dark.

  5. Thanks Rady.. I can't hear that speech that I don't feel like crying. That is one well put together video by nufffrespect. He does good work.

    We are the ones we've been waiting for. So what the hell are we waiting for?

  6. Well. Levin, that is bullshit, now, isn't that, telling Coto it is in the dark while you are in the light. Your little story about your years of research really sounds a bit ridiculous when it develops you have NOTHING to say.
    Play a little game and try to guess whatever it is you think? Give us a break please.

  7. when embedding a video in a post, could you also provide the url at youtube. my browser here at work will only work with youtube and not embedded videos (anyymore) as it is never updated and runs on a unix platform. So, where is this great Da Vinci code solved blog?

  8. Brad, if you click on the video it should take you directly to youtube to view it.

  9. The reason I said COTO was in the dark was becuase no one, not one single member had ever even squeaked out any hint of the story I laid out and if you don't like that conclusion I could care less. Have a great day!

  10. Levin, you are welcome to conclude your business with Coto right now if the darkness ever gets too great to handle with your toothbrush and LED headlamp. I went to your site and it confirmed the gut feeling I had not to register and check out your 'thoughts'.....
    Why is it you require private threads here and cannot like everyone else discuss out in the open? What are you afraid of?
    Your silly and superficial analysis of the situation today is not worthy of Coto. You should not assume that we are in the dark just because we are not interested in you and your ideas.

  11. Why are you wasting COTO space with your personal attacks?

    Please contribute something or go back to where ever you crawled out from under.

    I do not have to put up with you nor your abuse nor answer to you.

    This is a blog site for posting thoughts and ideas and so far I have seen nothing from you but sass. Good riddance sunshine!
