Friday, July 31, 2009

The Obama plan, Fail 101

 Professor is a Genius        

An economics professor  at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a  single student before, but had once failed an entire  class.
That  class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one  would be poor and no one would be rich, a great  equalizer.
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an  experiment in this class on Obama's plan".
All grades would  be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one  would fail and no one would receive an A.
After the first  test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.
The  students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied  little were happy.  
As the second test rolled around,  the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones  who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied  little.  
The second test average was a D!
No one was  happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an  F.
The scores never increased as bickering, blame and  name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study  for the benefit of anyone else.  
All failed, to their  great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would  also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to  succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no  one will try or want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler  than that.


  1. Exactly, but understand that socialism didn't come to Amerika with BO, it came to Amerika with Woodrow Wilson and his progressive income tax and central bank in 1913, right out of Karl Marx's "Communist Manfesto" compliments of Cecil Rhodes disciple, Col. Edward Mandel House.

  2. Sigh... "Simple?" yes. "Accurate?" Not exactly. This old saw has been around the block a few times:

    Those who bandy the "s-word" about should begin with the basic wici link: ...and go from there.

    It may also be informative to read what a REAL professor at a REAL university had to say on the matter:

    "Clarity about the aims and problems of socialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition."

    You don't hear any of that... instead, mostly parroting warmed-over cold war propaganda... which is probably the real origin of this "story."

  3. Sure, but remember that finance is a fiction to enable and satisfy greed, and all the 'isms' engendered by it similarly are notions mostly prescribing the well-being of others while benefiting ourselves, and who the hell gave us permission to do that?

  4. Income tax yes, but land reform was strangely forgotten. Distributing the populace out geographically prevents drug abuse and gangs. It serves the fascist system more to concentrate the populace so they are more easily controlled,and exploited.
    The FEDs income tax goes to pay the private Fed owners overseas, no socialism there. Thats collective welfare for oligarchs.

  5. So the old worn-out saws dont fit Your commie panacea ? One example.
    I built a building at My expense,wired it for electricity at My own expence,purchased machinery for it at My own expense. Now if I want to do bussiness for profit I must get a sales\use tax permit from the state. My property-tax will be increased declaring it as a business property. The city will want to tax My inventory and My tools. The feds will tax any profits made and possibly make Me install ramps for cripples and subject Me to any number of OSHA regulations.
    So I will not open a business. Where were the city,county and feds when I was building and buying? Screw the big fat welfare anchor-baby moms and any other fake socialists like Waldo that want a piece of something they arent entitled to.
    I will use My shop to do My work on My equipment. There will be no business ,no spending,no growth. Thats the outcome of Your collective utopia. Work or starve,and the sooner the welfare parasites starve the better.

  6. "commie panacea?" heh heh heh... I love it!

    Dude... I am an academic. I am also a former business owner. What you do with your stuff is your business. I would suggest, tho, instead of looking under rocks for commie plots, you might want to discuss all this with a competent attorney... which I assume you have. Didn't like what you heard? Find another one. "Free markets," y' know!

    However... your "social Darwinist" outlook is a bit simplistic... and kinda "binary" (this or that... black or white... one or the other). I've heard this before... you are getting squeezed by the good-ol-boys downtown, so you go off on "welfare moms." And you think it has something to do with "socialism."

    They got you right where they want you.

  7. You are a "former business owner" what happened, taxes too high?
    I hear a lot of crap from those who embrace the bloated burocracy,most are section 8 driving welfare cadillacs.
    The real left carry AKs and fight capitalism. The "good ole boys" are all billionaires. Not a one here,just hard working farmers. Its always the atheist left that want to give away what isnt theirs. Let him that works eat. Whats mine is mine. Too many years of education has rattled yer brain.

  8. Nah... "taxes" were a non-issue. It cost less to pay the taxes than it did to pay the lawyers to avoid them. If we had made just a leeeeetle more jing, the axis would have crossed and the lawyers would have gotten their bite.

    What happened... in case you're interested (probably not)... was the demise of the small-business owner-- the Wal-Martization of everything. I was used to dealing with "owners." I couldn't handle dealing with "managers."

    Korn... ye really oughta watch those "code-words." They reveal more than (you probably) intend... and the impression (you leave) may not be accurate. "atheist left?" "section 8 driving welfare cadillacs?" whew. I think I'll let that dog alone for the moment.

    Oh... the billionaires are there, alright. You just don't see 'em. What you DO see are "welfare queens" (who probably ARE NOT there). And I also aint gonna touch (and I hear it all the time) "religious" people who harp about "what's mine is mine." Too complex for now.

    What I DID learn from 18 years of owning a business is: If you wanna play, ya gotta PAY. That IS simple. Render unto Caesar.

    I'm smack-dab on the edge of the city. I got "hard-working farmers" on one side, city-slick suburbanites on the other. Pretty much the same... like tragic characters in Literature (that's my thing now)... caught up in forces they cannot control or understand.

    Most of the farmers are Amish. THEY work their asses off. They ain't no angels... but they DO understand that ALL things are a gift from God. They would hesitate to say they "own" anything... hard bargainers they are, tho. The billionaires are trying to buy them out... and they aint sellin YET... and if/when they DO, they'll do so as a COMMUNITY. Oh boy.

    Then I'll be SURROUNDED by strip-malls drywall boxes and other concrete toilets. It's a dead heat with the Great Depression II.

    So... what part of "...feed my sheep" did you not understand? Of course, I'm just an "agnostic," so what the hell do I know? I got my brain rattled just the way I wanted it (not the way I had planned, tho)... thank-you-very-much.

  9. You will fare better if the Amish win. The consumer oriented society is in decline. What God has given Me I am thankful for,but I will not give it to fascists or other parasites.No code-words here, thats Yer game.

  10. USED to be my game. Now I am trying to do penance for my yuppie corporate life by trying to show people how to de-code the code-words. That's the intent, anyway.

    Yep- I'm fairly square in the Amish corner... but they're not trying to "win" anything... just trying to live a "godly" life... as they work the Ordnung.

    Sounds t'me like your Ordnung is a bit self-centered. But it's YOUR thing... do what you wanna do.

    It's just that hearing people use "fascist" and "socialist" interchangeably gives me the Inigo Montoya itch:

    "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
