Thursday, July 23, 2009

Once a COTO, Now a de-SOTO

[caption id="attachment_4351" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="great bollox"]great bollox[/caption]

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

We are relics, just like the gaudy sheet-metal barges they stopped making in 1961.  We were once the COTO- Coalition Of The Obvious, and we kept screaming about the OJ- the Outrage du Jour… “They” are doing this, that, chicken-fat."  Meanwhile, our fellow citizens swirled around us, seemingly uncaring and oblivious to the approaching catastrophe, intent only on getting the next shiny thing to stuff their house-full o’ stuff.  Now, we are SOTO-  Sick Of The Obvious- and we have come full circle and joined our fellows in their cynicism.  OJ Simpson… Outrage du Jour… it’s all entertainment—a simulacra spectacle that has little to do with us—until it decides that it does.  We are powerless meat-wad eating and pooping machines: “consumers.”

Here’s the Obvious:  There is no “government.” There is no “political process.” There is no “country.” The great collective that passes for the USA is merely a network of corporate fiefdoms controlled by professional looters who are turning imaginary paper into machines, food and protected territory as fast as they possibly can… because they know the approaching die-off will convert monetary feudalism to the real feudalism of fortresses, food and firearms.  DUH.  The Great-Unwashed you once mocked when you were in the COTO realizes the obvious:  when you peer down the outhouse hole, you’ll see nothing but crap.  So our fellow meat-wads chose not to even think about it… and guess what:  maybe they were correct.  Why?  Because—like being aboard a crashing airliner—there’s nothing you can DO about it.

So now you are SOTO- Sick Of The Obvious… but to be a de-SOTO, you must get a realistic handle on what you CAN do.  Forget about “calling your representative and demanding” squat.  Grow some tomatoes.  Forget about “waking up the sleeping masses.”  They are asleep for a REASON:  they can’t handle it, and neither can you.  Oh sure, there are Elmer Fudd twits who think they are going to resist the Wehrmacht with their “2nd Amendment “Rights.””  They will be quickly roasted by thermobaric weapons and unmanned drones flown by “employees” who are still getting a paycheck.  Do I have to spell it out for you?  OK—here it is:  YOU’RE HOPELESSLY FUCKED.  There.  Feel better?  Of course you don’t.  And here’s why:

Nobody “wants” to believe they are hopelessly fucked.  When did your “outrage fuse” blow?  Was it when the shrink-wrapped tons of c-notes on pallets were being shipped to a war zone?  Was it when you saw the gold-plated fustercluck “Missile Defense System” or “The Worst Congress Ever?   When did you get Beyond Hope?   Or do you still think that anything the Fats put on TV has shit-fuck-anything to do with YOU other than distraction and entertainment?  IGNORE “Them.”  CHEAT “Them” whenever you get the chance.  Sabotage it… screw it… bollix it up whenever you get the chance.  Švejk  it! Don’t try to kill “Them.” They expect that.  IGNORE “Them.”  That has not happened in the history or the WORLD!

Ironic, isn’t it? We have come full-circle and realized the wisdom of our “less-enlightened” fellow “citizens:  Ignore it.  There’s nothing you can do… BUT… realize your “fellow citizens” will put you on a death-train to make a paycheck.  Why?  Because they are not ignoring “Them” hard enough.  As Chris Hedges says in Empire of Illusion:

"A culture that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion dies. And we are dying now. We will either wake from our state of induced childishness, one where trivia and gossip pass for news and information, one where our goal is not justice but an elusive and unattainable happiness, to confront the stark limitations before us, or we will continue our headlong retreat into fantasy."

It’s worse than that. We are already dead.  Now… here’s the choice:

Zombie or Phoenix?


  1. As nicely tidy a piece of writing as I have seen, and I have seen some. - I trust you keep them and will issue them free as an e-book for the enlightenment of others. And I hope that to spread it to others you have that 'share-it-around' thing that OEN had. Do we have that thing here yet? and if not why not?

    However, as to the accuracy of its contents, cheer up. Remember that we can still hope. If 'the elite' have only one virtue, it is that are also mortal. If we can just rid ourselves of the need for the-things-that-money-can-buy, then we can enjoy the world much better. And if we can rid everyone of the need of such things, then we deny 'the elite' their power over them and over us.

    And if we can motivate everyone or most of them to rid themselves of the influence of the scum, then we can solve the world's worst problems in a couple of months.

    Yes, I know we are up against the worst verminous advertisers and social engineers that money can buy, but we have to try.

    I think our best bet is to spread the word virally about what is coming - impoverishment, military control and elimination, with enslavement of the spared. Then offer the alternative of drafted reps as an alternative to revolution, and abolition of financial influence. It doesn't sound very appetising, but consider the alternative. Besides, wouldn't you LIKE nine months holiday per year in a natural world of justice and freedom?

    Otherwise, congratulations on a nice piece.

    No need to reply.

  2. Amen brother waldo! Agreed we're hopelessly fucked. Grow your own anything, whether you eat it or smoke it. I now carry a weapon of some sort at all times, even though I know I can be blown to stardust by the powers that be. Btw, Chris Hedges is one of my favorite writers. And geez waldo, you swear as bad (or worse) than me. It can get you in trouble here :) Now that they let me out of my solitary confinement cell, I'll continue to be a trouble maker. Methinks it's my mission in life. Better to speak your voice while you still have one. I prefer to stick with my mates, even though the ship of hope is going down the tubes.

  3. Well, I have to admit, you are one pessimistic fuck...

    But you are correct.

    I figured out long ago that "waking up the masses" was a self-serving fantasy for most and a business ploy to secure wealth and power for others.

    The "masses" don't WANT to be awake. They chose their pill and the choose it over and over again everyday.

    People are angry, ready to explode, but they are being given red herrings and sacrificial lambs to be the targets of that anger.

    And one day, they will be given us as the targets of that anger... that much is obvious. The "Fats" wont even have to waste one single paycheck to get rid of us... just a little digital ink and maybe a word or two from the new Glorious Leader, and the masses will turn on the COTO set like pitbulls on a practice poodle.

    Nice article. Good writing.

  4. That 'fucked' has a nice ring to it. I think it goes back to the Fugger Bank who fucked the Europeans in the Renaissance. We basically got fucked like Wilson said when the Fed began. And some would say we have been fucked since the dawn of agriculture with its creation of wealth and poverty rather than community, its fractional reserve lending, and hierarchic fantasy.
    Waldo, I swear, tomorrow I am going to call up my insane Congressperson and just ramble about my deSOTO not working.

  5. You're right Waldo we are majorly fucked. But what's gonna happen when the City Year kids armed with those nifty new weapons knock on your door and tell you it's illegal to grow your own tomatoes?

  6. Resistance is futile eh Waldo ? Is apathy all You can come up with for a strategy. What a pitiful wimp.

  7. As if I wasn't depressed enough.

    So this is it. Millions of years of evolution culminates in producing a society of brain-dead, drooling, Wal-Mart shoppers, that would turn on anyone that points out the obvious, and are marching in lockstep to their own demise.

    So what makes us so special? How did we avoid taking the blue-pill? And to what end? What good does it do to actually be able to see the meaningless of our actions? Why even try?

    It's impossible to wash what is known from ones mind. Once you've taken the red-pill there's no erasing what is exposed.

    So we suffer. And although what we do is meaningless, we do it anyway. We get dressed, schlep to work to make money in a system that itself is self defeating, so that we can scratch out another day. All the while suffering in a quite, or not so quite, rage, as we watch an approaching doom we have little or no measure of stopping.

    Our only recourse is whatever fleeting moments we can grab along the way that would crack through the hopelessness of our situation as this Hell bound train sweeps us off the tracks of existence.

    So what does it mean to be aware? Why be aware? And once aware, what actions does anyone take to effect the situation? That is if anything one does CAN effect the situation beyond ones immediate realm. And if one can have an immediate effect, can it spread? Does ones actions matter to the whole?

    These questions rake me everyday, and it rakes me that this consciousness even exists. Would it not be better to be unaware? Why bother taking the red-pill at all?

    Or was it, as it seems, in my case not even a choice. For I don't know why it seems there are those that seem to be immune to the matrix of lies. What purpose is it that there seems to be us, members of COTO, that can look through and beyond the looking-glass and see not a reflection we wish to see, but one that actually exists?

    I seriously don't wish to live in the world that's coming. I don't know if I have the strength, being as spoiled as I've been all my life. Not that I'll even have a choice in that matter, or any of us, for that matter, it's not like our names aren't on the hit-list of first to be rounded-up when the eugenicists shit hits the fan, all in the name of saving the sheeple from "extremists."

    So what does it all come down to? Are we just blowing smoke, thinking falsely that we actually can make a difference? Or is this just an exercise in some reflective comfort we may gleam from being in like-minded company until they come and take our toys away?

    Ah, there's no one that can answer these questions, at least not in this realm, and if anyone attempts to, we would know them to be frauds. Maybe God, if He exists, can put these questions to rest. And why must I die first to get the answers, if there are any?

    Until then, my fellow COTO's, I will continue on a path I seem to have little choice but to accept. For of this I know, even though it may be futile to try to change this world, it is even more so to try and change who I am.

    Reminds me of that joke at the end of Annie Hall;

    A man tells his friend that he thinks his wife is crazy because she thinks she's a chicken. His friend asks why he doesn't take her to see a shrink, and he answers, because I need the eggs.

  8. Waldo I loved it ~de SOTO :-) V Clever!
    however I lean to Korn in the matter we simply cannot play dumb.
    I never knew how lucky I was when I was young and oblivious.
    Ignorance IS Bliss, however once knowledge is gained you can't revert.
    The wrench aux machina is subtle yet effective, and enough wrenches, has a snowball effect, and NO :-) i don't mean in hell ...I mean growing in effect and size.
    A close friend gave himself a heart attack, trying to help inform and educate the masses years ago.
    I see we have a 0ne? in ten chance of someone who will read and consider our warnings, hmm? better than none, but not massively so.
    meanwhile look for long lasting stuff for body home and survival, and keep a weather eye out for flying shit, when It hits the blades.
    Ay least you guys can own weapons, we are already de clawed here.

  9. Of course you can play dumb! Consider The Good Soldier Švejk! can blend right in with the ones who really ARE dumb! (It's safer there) AND... you can out-dumb them! A living satire!

    Hašek never even finished the book! Yet it has been a powerful meme throughout Eastern Europe... where they have LONG experience dealing with brutal Fatties and their flunkies...

    Now, you can go full-tilt boogie at that windmill... and feel good about yourself jousting with giants... and maybe that's another form of creative madness... who knows?

    It's actually WONDERFUL to realize you're hopelessly fucked... and WE ALL ARE... because nobody gets out of here alive-- yep- the Fats are mortal too... and their way of dealing with it is to keep their progeny farting through silk (at YOUR expense) for as many generations as possible.

    But look at Hašek's "baby:" Švejk! Did he know what he was doing? Yep. Did he get to finish it? Nope. That was not the point! Hey Fats-- you want us dumb? OK everybody! Get REALLY DUMB! How do we know that SOME of the people we consider "clueless" aren't REALLY Švejking??? We don't! And the really funny part is... maybe THEY don't EITHER!! Aint that a HOOT?

    It's PASSIVE resistance! Who knows... ONE of us "sheep" can wreck the whole "Animal Farm!"

    And besides... as M says... we HAVE NO CHOICE! Enjoy the ride! Švejk!!!

  10. Dementia is like a parking brake lever. What was it I was going to say......

    oh right......

    I used to read lots of science-fiction.

  11. Perhaps it is the Chemtrails that are effecting the sheople's minds?

  12. Impermanent we are - as are they.
    Soon this will all be different. Whatever it is you fear/desire will never be over and it will never happen. Forever flowing, changing, a process of arising and diminishing. Don't try to hold it. You can't know it. You can do as you will. Just don't think about it. All that you know it ultimately wrong. All that you feel you've done to yourself. You don't believe me. Do you know why you believe what you do?
    Buddha said "Lifes a bitch - then you die"

  13. Waldo, that Stonefruit is nice...I found this there:
    "We, the dissidents of the internet, neither liberal nor conservative, honest first and foremost, subscribing to a little bit of all political philosophies but with the biggest helpings of anarchism, libertarianism and pantheistic mysticism seem to all be running out of words simultaneously.

    How to describe the horror, hypocrisy, and seeming immutability of current events? The normal semantic function of language is imploding along with the geopolitical and economic crisis engulfing the world just like Orwell prophesied it would over half a century ago - and how Bernays laid out the road map nearly a century ago. "
    I appreciate Mr. M's beautiful way of putting this consciousness of our time. That's how I feel too, that we didn't choose this. I do think that knowing about it is alot better than not, and especially caring about it is better.
    Lookin down the tubes can open up alot of pain or it might become a ride in a massive, gaping barrel, depending on how we locate our position in the lineup. The waves are comin, and we can see them on the horizon now. We can let the monsters go by underneath or dive for the bottom and get held down . We will try to come up for air and the light. Maybe we will still have our boards if the leashes don't snap pulling hard in the closeout. Whatever it all means, I think everyone here already knows. It's's's too late to say we don't surf anymore. And some of us want to say we were there, even if the news is essentially that we are fucked and will be lucky to swim in over the reef.
    This isn't a wave machine on a cruise liner. This is not "change", it's not good stuff coming, and it's not going to favor people who cannot think about it.

  14. Mary that surfing analogy was very poetic. Thank you for that and I agree with you.

    Waldo's article illustrates how we have come full circle. That knowing what's coming down is really not helping us. It's true. How can we stop this tidal wave of evil that is about to wash over us? We know it's coming, we've seen the waves getting bigger and bigger as they violently roll onto the shore but the big one is on the way. You can't stop a tidal wave with a few sandbags.

    I also agree that Mr M has a way of putting things in perspective in layman's terms. He doesn't pull punches and he speaks from the heart & soul. Mr M is our everyman :)

    Glad you're back with us Mary :)

  15. Not enough of us and those of us who are aware are not in positions of power which would allow us to impact this mess.

    I am now thinking we will be lucky to just survive, if one can call that lucky.
