Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doctor accuses Sotomayor of criminal activity

By: Devvy
July 20, 2009
© 2009 - NewsWithViews.com

As the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, proceeded last week, one man could not understand why not one of the seven Republican senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee would question Sotomayor about her criminal activities. It's understandable no Democrat would ask Sotomayor to explain herself since each and every Democrat in the U.S. Senate is so ethically bankrupt, they would seat Satan on the high court if it would further their agenda. Their only concern for a justice on the highest court in the land is gender and ethnicity; these pusillanimous hucksters go for future votes. The law and truth be damned.

But, the silence by Sessions, Graham, Coburn and the others is beyond perplexing. Bill O'Reilly remarked last week at the end of the hearings that the Republicans will vote to confirm Sotomayor possibly to "garner favor" with Latino voters for the next election. Sounds like a good excuse as any for their cowardice in not taking Sotomayor to the box on Dr. Cordero's evidence.

Read full article


  1. Just fold it after the second paragraph, once they get into the meat of the article. It's a short paragraph, it won't be that bad.

  2. I am accustomed to three boxes,one for title,one for intro and then one for under the fold. I dont know how to fold on this thing.

  3. Is this what you wanted or am I just too tired to think anymore?

    Kman, I get news with views everyday. Devvy Kidd is one of my favorites. She really gets the two party collusion.

    It's like a hockey game. But they all shake hands and pass the money at the end.

  4. "Judge Sotomayor's participation in a bankruptcy fraud scheme cover-up: With that attitude, Judge Sotomayor and other colleagues of her decided the DeLano case, which was appealed to the Supreme Court. They ruled in favor of their appointed bankruptcy judge's non-disclosure of the whereabouts of at least $673,657 of the most unlikely of 'bankrupt's': a 39-year veteran banker who at the time of filing for bankruptcy was an M&T Bank bankruptcy officer!

    ~~sigh... protecting those wascally banksters again. Now why on earth would the senate confirm someone that would do such a thing?

    Can you say "fascism" boys and girls?

  5. Tinsel, that's all this is.

    Of COURSE she's corrupt. Of COURSE she's where she is so she can try to protect a system that has been in place since mankind invented a thing called "money," and is now in it's last dying spasms, vowing to take all of us with it, before they would be brought to justice.

    Screw her. She's just another small nut in the wheel that is grinding us all into the ground.

    Sometimes it comes to pass one gets rewarded for one's belief and contribution, today I was given a glimmer of such, and if true, I may yet be able to live long enough to help others survive what's coming.

    I can't tell you what it is, but it's something between Land of the Hobbits and Mad Max.

    Folks, barring a miracle, we're going into a war of survival, Soto-who-gives-a-shit-my-ass, can kiss my ass, this means nothing to me, unless someone can show me proof we are NOT already IN a said "war of survival?"

    Yeah, yeah, she's corrupt, they'll rub it in our faces, and appoint her anyway. Why the fuck not? Jesus-jumping-though-hoops, WTF have they already done over thousands of years that would convince anyone that they are NOT about to spring their final trap?

    Or, please, tell me that I'm delusional, that these small groups of powerful sociopaths really don't exist, and that through generation after generation, that they didn't figure things out back then, when the smarter members of the tribe eventually overtook through cunning, what could not be achieved through force, and now have many members of their clan placed, through membership in secret societies, into highest positions of influence in every field, and are NOT taking all this power and knowledge to use it against a vast majority of the humane race to EXTERMINATE US and than through use of science and force enslave those few remaining humane beings for their demented pleasures.

    So please, tell me it isn't so?

    Tell me I'm imagining them poisoning our water, air, and land. That they're not turning what is a miracle planet into some version of Dr. Moreau's Island. Please mister, tell me I'M the ONE that is nuts!

    Barring that, I might see if this invitation is real, if so, perhaps an old lion gets to growl a little longer.

  6. Well, M if You were nuts I would,although not a Phd,tell You so. My crazy uncle tells Me the Aztecs would take the kinder and weaker of the populace and cut their heart out and the rank and file would eat them for dinner. Deja vu all over again. Uncle claims that is why when the Aztecs and Spaniards procreated we got human sacrifice and the inquisition swimming the river to torture and destroy us (uncle just aint politically correct). As for Me I will be leaning on the everlasting arm while carrying Smith and Wesson,Samuel Colt,Harrinton and Richardson etc etc.(now thats a blessed combination dude)world without end,amen.
